Monday, January 5, 2015

FAQ: AE error, RAM preview requires 2 or more frames, etc...

Oh man if I had a nickel for every time a student asked me about this error, I'd have a heck of a lot of nickels.

Check a couple things first:
-How long is your work area? To re-set it, go to the start of where you want to render. Hit B. Go to the end of where you want to render. Hit N.

-What's up with Preview window? That's the VCR controls–make sure it's set to play all frames.

If it's still freaking out, quit your Browsers. What? Yeah, I mean Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Explorer, Netscape, whatever whatever. Seems irrelevant but it's a Known Bug in AE that hasn't been fixed in about 2 versions. Quit your browser, and RAM preview already.

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