Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Maya and AE Tip: Color Settings

A former student o' mine asked me the following question:
I have problems exporting my senior project from After Effects. I render my images
in maya and then import them into after effects. While I work in AE everything looks fine, however when I render movie from After Effects the quicktime result comes out darker and more red (more saturated). I export it with animation compression set to Best with Millions of Colors. Do you know what it might be?

The solution? Color settings in After Effects.

My answer:
in AE check your File/Project Settings.
2nd area up is called "Color Settings"
Set these to your photoshop working space or if applicable, Maya
working space, or if neither one applies, to the working space of your
computer monitor.

Also, evidently the color picker in Maya sucks. It does some weird translation. For best results when jiving Maya colors with Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop colors, rely on Hexadecimal values. Take that, faulty color-picker!

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