Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Illustrator: release to layers situation

So some of my Adobe Illustrator-savvy students complain that the "Release to Layers/Sequence" is a pain to use to actually release multiple Illustrator layers to "top-level" layer status. Well, there's an App for that. Ok, not really, but there's a SCRIPT for that.

It works really well! I found it on the Adobe forum:

The script is downloadable here.

And then select your top-level layer, break the groups down based on how you want to animate them, then choose "Release to Layers Sequence." Go to File/Scripts/OtherScripts, and navigate to the JET_X_Layers.jsx file.

OMG magic! It pops all your layers to top-layer status, perfect for After Effects! Bangarang!!

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