you can use footage for this (shoot your own, go to
And/or you can use a particle generator, such as Particle Playground or Trapcode's Particular (particular costs extra)
with Detonation films, you can key out a black background using linear color key, experiment with blending modes, duplicate the layer, use masks, animate Scale and Opacity, apply blurs, and apply color effects.
Color effects we covered in class included Tint, Photo Filter, and Colorama.
Particles, I'd recommend learning from online video tutorials.
Cast Shadows
don't forget cast shadows, which can be created by:
-duplicating your explosion layer
-using the effect "Fill" to fill it with 1 color like black or grey
-applying corner pin to attach it to the ground in perspective
-Using the blending mode "multiply" will allow the shadow to "sit" in the scene better.
-reducing the opacity can help as well.
Maltaannon's Fire-Hands tutorial:
-imported video
-made a comp of it. (called it Source)
-precomposed video (called this Final)into a new comp
-trimmed layer to just the area where we want particles
In Source comp, apply the Time difference effect
set time offset to 0, 050
changed the contrast to 50,0
Apply Fast blur 5.0, with Repeat Edge pixels on
Apply Threshold 15
make black transparent by applying luma key
This is the source for particles.
time to create particles themselves!
-drag source into another comp, call it Particles.
-Apply particle playground to Source layer in Particle
Set particles per sec to 0
In layer exploder (tears image apart based on alpha channel)
Set to Source.
This makes pixels explode from that layer.
Go to Gravity, set direction to 0 degrees to get particles going up instead of down.
Increasing force to 300
make new solid, precompose it with itself. call ModMap
inside that comp, apply ramp and turbulent displace.
-set size to 11 and amt to 533 and complexity to 3,9
-change displacement to turbulent smoother
-opt-click on evolution stopwatch, time*1000
Turn off ModMap in Particles comp
In Source layer, go to Effect controls for Particle P-ground
-Go to persistent property mapper
-map red to Opacitty
-min to -0, 20, max 1,00
Map green to Y force, max -30
Apply fast blur to Source layer, 5
go to layer exploder parameter, change radius to 3 and velocity to 60
Go to Final comp, place particles comp on video
-apply turbulent displace effect to particles
-amt 50, size 8
complexity 2
evolution expression time * 500
input phase: from alpha
output phase: uncheck modify alpha
output cycle: fire and smoke, change the colors
apply glow, based on A&B colors yellow and red, threshold 52% radius 44, intensity 1.2
To apply particle playground to a layer (fountain of eyeballs)
-create eyeball layers. precompose them. Eyeball named comp.
-use region of interest to crop.
-Comp/Crop to region of interest
Back to Main Comp
Layer/New Solid
Effect/Generate/Particle Playground
-Layer Map: set Use Layer to your Eyeball comp
-in Cannon, adjust particles per second
-in Gravity, adjust force
-in Cannon, adj direction and spread.
Additional Particle Tutorials:
Particles of Incorporation
Muggle's Magic Wand
Text Effects (including using Text as Particle)
Nerdy Particles made using Expressions
Getting your files from FCP to AE:
-File/Exp/using QT conversion
-Format: Image sequence
-Use: Targa 29.97
-Click options
Format: Tiff
-Click options again!
-Millions of Colors
-Compression NONE
After Effects/Preferences/Import
Sequence footage framerate should match to that of your FC Sequence
suck frames
QT and AE frame count instead of timecode, watch the tracking video and make a list of all the frames that suck. Draw a star next to the ones that are really bad. Fix those first. you can use left and right arrow keys in QT to watch it super slowly.
-To change AE to frames instead of timecode, option click the timecode in the timeline or go to File/Project Settings and choose "Frames"
-Make something blow up/Explode using detonation films and/or Particle Playground.
-You can use photo or video as your BG
-Please shoot it well. well-lit, well-composed.
-Turn Off AutoFocus when shooting video for post-production!!
-How to focus without AutoFocus:
-zoom in all the way with autofocus on, then turn off autofocus and zoom out. This will keep everything sharp.
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